Sexual Misconduct Survey

Historically, this survey had a very high rate of response and we hope it will again. Results will be released back to the community, and the data will be used to inform the practices of the Title IX Office, the Sexual Violence Prevention Project, and a number of other areas of campus committed to reducing sexual and gender-based harassment and violence.

Your participation is vital to our success. Even if you have not experienced sexual or gender-based harassment, sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, or stalking, it is important we hear your reflections on what you know about where to get help for yourself or a friend.  It is also important for us to have a full picture of prevalence on our campus through this process.

All undergraduate, graduate, and professional students who complete the survey will be entered into a drawing for one of 1000 Amazon gift codes for $10 each.

To view past surveys please go to:

Sexual Misconduct Survey FAQs